Friday, July 11, 2008

gimme a sign, any sign

We've been teaching Zofia sign language (thanks to my great friends at the "Farm" for giving us a signing book for a shower gift!). I was getting a little discouraged because she didn't seem particularly interested but she knew 2 signs - "more" and "milk". But in the last week she is signing like crazy! She knows so many signs now. One of her favorites is "airplane" which she makes every single time she hears a plane. Here's a rundown of her repertoire:
- eat
- more
- milk
- banana
- eat
- daddy
- mommy
- bird
- airplane
- bear
- monkey
- mouse
- wash
- hat

how awesome is that?!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

Hi Anne,
I ran across your blog address while I was cleaning out my email. I'm so happy to hear Zophia is signing and your using the book we sent.
I'm enjoying reading about her!
Miss you :(