Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Big Bad Wolf

Little Red Riding Hood: My what big teeth you have!
Big Bad Wolf: All the better to eat you with, my dear!

Zofia has been teething (so I think) for about 3 weeks. She was smacking her lips for about a week or so and I can only assume it was because she was not accustomed to the sensation in her gums. She's also been grumpy grumpy. But she's also sitting up from a crawl without assistance, cross-crawling, pulling up to a stand on EVERYTHING, and just yesterday started cruising along the edge of the couch. I sometimes see her crawling around blinded by crying and it takes restraint to not pick her up, but I think she must try to work through whatever is frustrating her. This isn't uncommon for her as she approaches milestones as she tends to complain while accomplishing them.

So, I've been peeking as much as she'd let me and tonight I saw, not 1, not 2, but 4 upper teeth getting ready to come in! HOLY SCHMOKES! The other week the gums were just bumpy in the front, but tonight I saw 4 white spots! Thank goodness for Hyland's Teething Tablets!!

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