Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sleep, perchance to dream

Just when you think you've got it all figured out, they go and change the game!

Zofia was such a good sleeper. We were diligent at watching her cues and when we took her to bed, she didn't fuss at falling asleep. Alas, I have just spent the last 2 HOURS getting Zofia to bed. She has become increasingly agitated at sleeping in her crib. Last night we attributed it to the chocolate cake I ate in the evening, but tonight I have no clue why she's so disorganized.

What frustrates me the most is that she falls asleep nursing and is quite content to lay on the Boppy asleep. She plays possum really well! So tonight I had to nurse, pat, shush, and snuggle her to sleep for 2 hours.

I'm hoping this is a phase and not an omen of things to come!

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