Monday, October 20, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Left foot, Left foot, Right foot, Right

Oh boy. Sunday we left my mother's house after spending the weekend and decided we would stop at Stride Right to buy Zofia a new pair of shoes since hers were getting a little small. A sudden storm rolled through and traffic was at a stop so we decided to make the stop and hope that the traffic would clear up after the storm (it didn't the Bay Bridge was closed unbeknownst to us).

Zofia was napping so I figured I would look at shoes in the next size up (6). Steven ended up coming in with her (she has an uncanny ability to know exactly when the car stops moving from a dead sleep). We got her foot measured and one foot is a 6 and the other is a 7! holy moley, that girl has big feet.

We ended up buying a 7.5 because she wouldn't be wearing them for a couple more months so by the time she would wear them I'm sure her feet will have grown some more!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Old MacDonald had a farm, EIEIO

Here are Zofia's attempts at her animal sounds (some animals she signs as well).

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

dizzy bat races, anyone?

You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
Dead or Alive

Zofia learned how to spin around and around and around yesterday. She just got in the middle of the living room and started spinning, albeit only twice around, but it was funny to watch and even funnier to see her dizzy :-)

She also likes looking through her legs upside down now. The other day she spent several minutes looking at various things around the house between her legs - too cute!

Her vocabulary and signing vocabulary has exploded. She's learning her animal sounds and her imitations are quite hilarious - especially her horse neighing (I'll try to get it on video and post it).

She is also cutting an amazing amount of teeth. All told she's working on 5! 2 molars and 3 canines!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

gimme a sign, any sign

We've been teaching Zofia sign language (thanks to my great friends at the "Farm" for giving us a signing book for a shower gift!). I was getting a little discouraged because she didn't seem particularly interested but she knew 2 signs - "more" and "milk". But in the last week she is signing like crazy! She knows so many signs now. One of her favorites is "airplane" which she makes every single time she hears a plane. Here's a rundown of her repertoire:
- eat
- more
- milk
- banana
- eat
- daddy
- mommy
- bird
- airplane
- bear
- monkey
- mouse
- wash
- hat

how awesome is that?!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Silly Sammy sipped six sodas and got sick sick sick

Well Zofia did not sip six sodas but she did get sick. She caught a virus and for the last 3 days had a terrible fever (over 104 at one point). I finally took her to the doctor's office yesterday and found out that she has Herpangia - a type of coxsackie virus (lovely). Coupled with temperatures soaring into the mid-high 90's, keeping her comfortable has been challenging to say the least.

Luckily it's a pretty short duration virus and she's already acting better today, meaning she didn't scream or cry for a seemingly endless time to go down for her nap.

And of course, throughout it all her appetite was unaffected - go figure.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Throw salt over your shoulder? How about broccoli?

That is Zofia's newest "trick". Anything she doesn't want to eat goes over her shoulders and on the floor. She started doing that just a couple days ago. Molly has never eaten better. She even knows the cue ("all done?") to come clean up the scraps.

Zofia LOVES being outside going for walks in the woods, picking up sticks, and playing with rocks. Luckily the weather has been terrific so we can go outside in the morning and in the evening.

Other favorites include: watermelon (absolute favorite), strawberries, peaches, blueberries, apple, rice cakes, rice crackers, and meat. Not a big fan of veggies - can't say I blame her. Lately she'll eat broccoli and cauliflower with garlic but that's about it right now.