Thursday, September 27, 2007


ewe... the sound of the nasal aspirator. Poor Zofia, she has a cold. Last night she woke up every 2 hours (after finally settling at 11pm!!) completely congested and unable to breath freely.

I took her to the doctor this morning and they confirmed it was a cold. Baby Tylenol at bedtime.... poor thing, no wonder she hasn't been too happy.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I swear I must be going deaf. I have a constant ringing in my ears - thank you very much Zofia. Her screaming! Even the smallest wimper, and it's not that small, is making my eardrums ache. I think I need to wear earplugs. I would like to cuddle her when she's at her absolute worst, but the pain! So it was bad enough that I lost the ability to hear low tones (sorry, Steven) but now I'm beginning to lose the high range too!

We are still struggling with sleep. It's gotten to the point that we (meaning Steven) have to wear her down for naps and at night. I'm pretty annoyed at the whole thing, actually. She was doing so well before and now she's a screaming maniac when it comes to sleep. What are we doing wrong?!

It is a very demoralizing thing to have your baby scream and scream, day after day, night after night. And I feel guilty for being mad because I know she can't help it. But I am mad and frustrated. Why doesn't she just stop screaming and GO TO SLEEP FOR GOODNESS SAKE?!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


The sound of time rushing past me! I never did make it to the store in my last post. Honestly I do not know where the time actually goes. The saying "you can make up the time" is such a lie. Time is ephemeral. You can't capture it and store it for later use - I think I'll take the 2 hours off the shelf here and take them now please.

Zofia is 5 months old tomorrow!! So I'm wondering when does the screaming/crying stop when it comes to sleep? Have I started some unintentional bad habit? Other than that, she's awesome. Smiles and quirkiness. We've tried her in her regular stroller seat for the last two times and she seems OK with it (so far).

My sister came into town for a few days for work. She brought me Zofia's first hanbok for her 1-year birthday and a Korean baby carrier. Apparently there's only one place in Seoul that sells them - in the fabric district. No one carries their babies over there anymore, so I'm told. I suppose it is looked at as peasant-like, while here in the States it is usually reserved for the more attachment-parenting mind-set.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

All work and no play

I started back to work last Wednesday. Luckily I am not assigned to a project just yet and get to work from home. However, even with that I don't get to spend nearly the time I would like with Zofia because I don't feel comfortable just walking away from the computer (my albatross).

Today, however, I will go out for lunch and take Zofia to the store to pick up a few things - namely diapers.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Sleep, perchance to dream

Just when you think you've got it all figured out, they go and change the game!

Zofia was such a good sleeper. We were diligent at watching her cues and when we took her to bed, she didn't fuss at falling asleep. Alas, I have just spent the last 2 HOURS getting Zofia to bed. She has become increasingly agitated at sleeping in her crib. Last night we attributed it to the chocolate cake I ate in the evening, but tonight I have no clue why she's so disorganized.

What frustrates me the most is that she falls asleep nursing and is quite content to lay on the Boppy asleep. She plays possum really well! So tonight I had to nurse, pat, shush, and snuggle her to sleep for 2 hours.

I'm hoping this is a phase and not an omen of things to come!