I went on my first business trip last week! I have to say, pumping while traveling SUCKS! Trying to find a place to pump in an airport was soooooo difficult. The "family care" restrooms had electrical outlets but the majority of them didn't work! Then trying to figure out how to store the EBM was also a challenge - my hotel fridge was not the best, so I asked the hotel if I could store it in their refridgerator and they were very willing to oblige. Then at work I had to find a place to store because I wasn't sure the little cooler and ice packs would keep it cold enough. Luckily, the snack bar let me store my cooler in their fridge.
On the home front, it was a rough week for Steven. Trying to work, take care of Zofia, sell the car, and eat was difficult. She came through it nicely, but we were all very tired by the end of the week.
I got home at about 1am Friday night and found them asleep on the bed among a mass of toys, sleeping, like babies.